Weighted Courses
The STEM Weighted Course Directory lists approved courses by eligible institution, the effective beginning term the course is approved, and the effective ending term to indicate the last term the course is approved. If a course is listed with an ending term of 2099, the course is currently approved without a set ending term for the additional weight.
The courses included in this directory are specific degree-level science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) courses leading to high demand careers in Georgia. These courses, taken at an eligible postsecondary institution, will have an additional weight of 0.5 added to grades of B (3.0), C (2.0) and D (1.0). Grades of A and F do not qualify for the additional STEM weight.
Each year, the STEM Weighted Course Council identifies courses leading to high demand career fields in Georgia, determines eligibility for the additional weight, and approves the directory, effective for the upcoming academic year beginning with the fall term. The updated and approved list of courses is scheduled to be released each February.
Note: Course information is provided by each institution.